DnB Episode 176: The State of Comedy in American Society with Amy Jordan of the Yes But Why Podcast

In this episode of the Dudes n Beer podcast host Christopher Jordan is joined at the top of the show by Matthew McPeek, host of the new official Dudes n Beer Fantasy Football Podcast to discuss the new DnB Fantasy Football league as well as provide some tips and tricks for those preparing for the upcoming Fantasy season. In the remainder of the episode, Chris is joined by wife and host of the Yes But Why Podcast, Amy Jordan to discuss the current state of comedy in American society. What is the actual basis of comedy itself? What are the rules that comedy tries to abide by? What is it that makes something “Funny”? Then Chris and Amy explore the deeper concepts of how comedy is changed by the time in which we live and the current societal memes. What is to be made of people like James Gunn losing his job for “Jokes” he made a decade ago? Were they jokes then and simply not considered the same way today or are we as a society stagnant and not moving forward as people with our consciousness? These questions and more in this in depth episode of the Dudes n Beer podcast with Amy Jordan of the Yes But Why Podcast on the HC Universal Network. Download the FREE Dudes n Beer Podcast app for Android and iDevices or visit our LISTEN LIVE page and join the conversation.


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